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“Give Me The Child…” – The Brutal & Ancient Assault On Infants, Today
A Band Of Crown Agents Abduct (Another) Child From Bedroom: Jane Kelly Explains The Commercial Trappings Of The Partnership Between State & Corporate Child-Trafficking Could it be true that our top politicians, celebrities, royal families, police, military,...

West Coast Court Convenes to Prosecute Native Activist Killers
West Coast Court Convenes To Prosecute Native Activist Killers The West Coast Common Law Court of Justice Established under the authority of Natural Law and the Law of Nations and the auspices of the traditional Squamish, Musqueam, and Sto:lo Nations The Court will...
A Claim Of Right is a lawful weapon of self-defence.
Law is very simple: ‘Do no harm’.
If you wish to make a claim to lawful remedy, because of a violation to your rights, and you feel society needs to cast judgement over a crimal incident, you should make an appeal to Natural (or Common) Law, via a Common Law assembly…